Mísseis Kalibr russos perturbam o ponto logístico da Ucrânia no porto de Ochakov

Russia's Kalibr cruise missiles destroyed a military facility of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the port of Ochakov, the Mykolaiv region.

The video of the attack appeared on RT Telegram channel.

It was said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine supply their troops on Pervomaisky Island from the port of Ochakov.

A reconnaissance shooter from the Don Cossack brigade with the call sign Ideyny said that the Ukrainian military had a mortar, and there was a target coordinator at the facility.

 “It is [difficult] to get to it — the area is well fortified,” Ideyny said, adding that the Russian troops seek to deprive the AFU of their logistics.

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Author`s name Petr Ermilin